
How to Create Functions in DataWeave for Efficient Data Transformation

1 min read
Aravind Kumar Kumarappa
To create a function in DataWeave, you can follow these steps:
Start by defining the function using the fun keyword, followed by the function name and parameter list in parentheses. For example:
fun calculateTax(amount: Number, rate: Number) = ...

    Inside the function, define the logic for what the function should do with the given input parameters. For example:

    fun calculateTax(amount: Number, rate: Number) = amount * rate

      Save the function as a reusable module by wrapping it in a module declaration. For example:

      fun calculateTax(amount: Number, rate: Number) = amount * rate // Define module module MyFunctions = { // Export function calculateTax: calculateTax }

        You can then import the module and use the function in your DataWeave script. For example:

        // Import module import MyFunctions 
        // Use function
        "amount": 100
        "rate": 0.2
        "tax": MyFunctions::calculateTax($.amount, $.rate) 

        In this example, the calculateTax function is defined and exported in the MyFunctions module. The module is then imported and the function is used to calculate the tax on a given amount at a given rate.
        Note that this is just a basic example, and you can create more complex functions that perform a variety of operations on data in DataWeave.

        Aravind Kumar Kumarappa

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